No nonsense snobbish movie reviews. We take no responsibility for the trauma caused by viewing movies based on our recommendations.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Coffee and Cigarettes
There are some directors/actors I am biased towards - not without reason though I assure you - but the truth is I know there is a good movie out there, the moment I learn that its one of them in it. Like Jim Jarmusch for instance and his 2003 movie 'Coffee and Cigarettes'. Shot in B&W, features a wide range of talented artists in a series of 11 chapters - each of which has couple of people meeting over coffee & cigarettes and discussing stuff. In some cases, its tea - for the sake of variety I presume. Some of the conversations are inane, a few I found funny and then there are some that brings attention to some varied pieces of information. But there seems to be a thread running through it - like for example, the two people are related to each other, that coffee before going to sleep is like racing an Indy 500 race and that ciggys + coffee do not make a healthy lunch. I liked it - but its one of those that I would not recommend to anyone. An amusing flick, especially with a fat rolled one in hand.
On a connected note, heres a link to an amusing email exchange between 2 protagonists in the movie - Jack White and Stephen Coogan - brought to you by the Guardian.
I saw this film on the big screen around the time it was released. Brilliant flick. Have you seen Jarmusch's "Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai"? I that is my favorite Jarmusch film followed closely by "Dead Man".
I saw this film on the big screen around the time it was released. Brilliant flick. Have you seen Jarmusch's "Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai"? I that is my favorite Jarmusch film followed closely by "Dead Man".
I have and I think its a fantastic movie. I plan to review it sometime for sake of completion.
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