Sunday, December 02, 2007


A movie that really works with nothing. Except two fairly talented people, who are more musicians than actors. And an ore romantic script and 150k quid. A young Czech immigrant runs into a busker on the streets of Dublin and is enchanted by his original songs about a lost love. She turns out to be a reasonable pianist and they get together to make more music. There are complications on the way which takes the story forward which is all right (you know how it is), but its the lack of production money (and the related sparseness of bleak Dublin life) & the music that made this film create space for itself in my mind.

Rating: * * *

Enclosing : A much sober version of a number from the movie

Update: heres the same song with the clip from the movie

1 comment:

Rama Rama said...

What a brilliant film!!! The music is simple but yet beautiful in a soul searching kind of way. Have to say that the actors and the music took me to a very pleasant place. I loved the abrupt manner of the babe and ore the babe she indeed is. Looking forward to the sound track now.