Sunday, December 03, 2006

Revisting some classics

Over the past few days, I came across couple of movies that drew me to cinema a long time back. And fortunately, even after many years, the inherent strength of the movies remain intact. Or, probably even further enhanced. Which is not true of many other movies that I had thought was brilliant at one point in time. 

Would be a pity if they dont get a mention here, and therefore.. I see a worrying trend here - there are going to be many a blast from the past. Anyways..

In The Name of the Father

Powerful is the word that comes to mind when one watches the movie - starting with the opening Belfast street riot scene and right until the end. And an excellent soundtrack to boot.
Rating: * * * *

Stand By Me

A road trip of sorts, which becomes a character building experience of a lifetime for all involved. 'Dead Poets Society'esque. Took me back to Madras.

Rating: * * *

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