Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Elite Squad

The Pope is visiting Rio and everything needs to be quiet in the favelas. Captain Nascimento (Wagner Moura) of the BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) is given the unenviable job of ensuring that this happens. Juggling his stressful job with his imminent fatherhood, Nascimento realizes that it's time he quits. To do so he needs to find his replacement. That's when Neto (Caio Junqueira) and André (André Ramiro), two young upstanding cops, barrel their way into his life. What follows is an almost documentary-like look at what it takes to be a member of BOPE officers. Based on Elite da Tropa by sociologist Luiz Eduardo Soares and two former BOPE captains, André Batista and Rodrigo Pimentel, the film is just superb all the way through.

Rating: * * *

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